Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Just Way Too Mainstream

I'm pretty sure that the first CD I ever got was NSYNC's No Strings Attached for my 10th birthday. I felt so cool. I finally had my own CD that I could play on my new portable CD player (with anti-skip technology, mind you). It was such a step up from that silly little tape player Walkman I had before. Psh. Lame sauce. I used my CD player religiously until for my 15th birthday I got an ipod. It was a 4th generation. Oh man, I felt slick as snot with that sucker.

I had this ipod for a good four years until I turned it on one day and it literally made a sad face at me. I figured it was about time for me to get a new ipod when people kept telling me that mine looked like a brick. But they were right. That thing barely fit in my pocket! And thus was Mario born. A sleeker ipod with a color display and it could even play music videos and movies. Oh golly, was I in heaven. That ipod has lasted my entire college career.

So where am I going with this? I jumped on the Apple bandwagon with everyone else back in the day. My brother-in-law worked for the BYU Bookstore so I got a pretty decent deal on my ipod. And everyone knew that they were the most top notch, high quality mp3 players. They still are pretty darn good. But also expensive. I've thought about updating my technology but I just can't afford it. It would be useful to have an ipad or a nook or even an ipod touch but they're just not in my price range. What's the point of having cool gadgets advertised to me if I can't even buy them?!

It wasn't until recently that I realized that there are other products out there. Just like when you discover that malt-o meals off brand fruit loops are just as tasty as the real thing, there are actually some really great products out there. You just have to look for them. True, they may not last as long. Yes, you might seem like a dweeb for having the random mp3 player that no one has heard of. But what's the harm in looking. So far I have yet to find some really swell technology that I could justify buying and afford but I'm searching. Next to come... why iTunes is the jock of the music industry and Spotify is the druggy hiding out in the bathroom.

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