Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Internet for Introverts

I've seen a few posts about people's siblings so I thought I would jump onto the bandwagon!

A little while back in this class I took a particular interest in the music industry and Web 2.0. After my midterm discussion with Dr. Burton I've decided that I really want to revisit that. Ideally, once a week I'll try to blog about my group's project and progress and once a week I'll try to blog about my other interests. Which will most likely be music.

In the beginning of September there was a little bit of buzz on the Google plus stream about introverts and the internet. Sarah Talley and Hannah Ballard both explored the idea in some of their blog posts and there was an excellent discussion about it on one of Tara Pina's posts. I briefly chimed in with a comment about how the internet is actually a really great place for introverts to explore their interests.

Now to mesh these three ideas. I have a sister. She is obsessed with music. Like, literally obsessed. She is also an introvert. Like, really an introvert. Just to give you an idea. In her spare time she is in her room, on her laptop, listening to music, finding music, playing music, pinning music, blogging music, finding pictures of music. Everything is music. And she does this mostly in her own little solitude. It's not that she's not a likable person. I think she's great! It's just that she really does not enjoy being around people at all. And hello Web 2.0. Because of the web she is able to do all of the things that she enjoys on her own. Yes, sometimes I think that it's not healthy. Yes, sometimes I really worry about her. But. I also have to be grateful that she's found a meaningful way to express herself.

For an introvert the world is a hard and scary place. From what she's said, even harder and scarier than I see it to be. Through the internet she can be part of this underground world that shares her interests. So thank you internet for giving my little sister a way to be happy and discover more about who she is.

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