Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tiny Progress Is Still Progress

Yesterday in class we discussed the idea of the spiral. You have a starting point that you spin around and move out from. A spiral can go on forever and is always developing, but it always revolves around that one central idea.

Our online compendium (I really got tired of calling it a magazine) definitely has a central idea that we always go back to. But it kind of seems like right now instead of going in a spiral form and developing and moving out, we're going in a circle around our idea. I'm sure a lot of groups can relate to this feeling. We need more submissions for Menagerie so that it can look legit. But to get more submissions we'd really like for the site to have a better design. But for it to have a better design we would need a little funding. To justify funding we would need more submissions.

We met with a small group last night for a bit of a feedback session. The outside perception was incredibly valuable. They did say many of the things that the class told us, but with new eyes and a fresh perspective. After that I feel recommitted to our cause. We just need to be slow and steady (emphasis on the steady) and we'll find ourselves somewhere new and exciting.

"All I have to do is take one little step at a time and I can do anything."

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